Sunday, December 23, 2012

A busy Saturday

Today I accomplished a lot. Practiced a solo, ran 3 miles, read my scriptures, went to the grocery store, took a nap since the running exhausted me, made chili and corn bread for dinner and a frog eye salad for tomorrow, held rose a little while watching that santa movie with Tim Allen, and did a little shopping. Somehow, it was not enough! Normally a day like that would feel awesome to me, but there were some things missing. I'm realizing how much I need real human connections every day, quality time with people that matter to me, along with some kind of artistic pursuits. I'm kind of in an interesting place right now- reassessing my goals and who I am and the changes I want to make in my life. Raimo and I read some zodiac stuff last night for fun. Those descriptions of our personality traits are pretty spot-on. We don't follow it, but it's interesting enough, and it's nice to have our differences laid before us in such a clear, precise way. It helped me see what each of us values and how we see the world around us differently. I am 100% Capricorn, there's no question. Leo's and capricorns are not well-matched. Oh well. Go figure.
On another note, I've been reading the Princess Bride. It's a great movie, but the book is great too. The author is really clever. For once, the book and movie are pretty similar.
On another note, we are in California. We'll be moving here permanently. Raimo quit Tumu and is looking for a job, and I may look for one too. I have been seeing Riverside with new eyes now that I'm here more permanently. It is so warm and beautiful. I have missed California so much. On the other hand, I had a few things in Utah that were making me happy, our apartment for one, and my best girlfriend and beckham, and all the performing and theater opportunities were really great. Hopefully that will continue down here. I am excited to say goodbye to Utah after 7 years!! I'm not going back!!! I am interested to see what the next year holds. I hope it all just works out. Feeling a little sad, but glad to be here of all places.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Love Divine

I've been listening to my ipod in bed at night. It's kinda nice that way, in the dark and all, just thinking about the music. I heard this the other night-- the words meant something totally different to me than they did back when I performed it with BYU Singers. Isn't it cool when songs change for us like that? I think the syntax is so beautiful! Wish some of our hymns were so eloquent :) That last verse is pretty great. Here are the words and a snippet of the recording:

"Love Divine, All Love Excelling"by Charles Wesley, 1707-1791

1. Love Divine, all love excelling,
Joy of heaven, to earth come down,
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling,
All Thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation,
Enter every trembling heart.

2. Breathe, oh, breathe Thy loving Spirit
Into every troubled breast;
Let us all in Thee inherit,
Let us find that second rest.
Take away the desire for  sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith as its beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.

3. Come, Almighty, to deliver;
Let us all Thy life receive.
Suddenly return and never,
Nevermore, Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.

4. Finish, then, Thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be.
Let us see Thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in Thee,
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heaven we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Hymn #351
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 106:4
Author: Charles Wesley, 1747
Tune: "O du Liebe"
1st Published in: Musikalischer Christenschatz
Town: Basel, 1745