Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Catch Up

Wow a lot of time has passed. It has been a crazy couple of months. Busy and difficult and such. Looking back, I see that God has sent angels to me, and I am so thankful. They have brought me support, a loaf of bread, words of wisdom, peace, and friendship. I re-read my blog from start to finish this morning and shed many tears recounting the last four and a half years of marriage. A couple of posts that stood out were these:

Lately I have been especially grateful for one little baby girl whose smiles bring me joy every day.

Mamas shoes, dandelions, and milk.

Although there is still plenty of this going on:
I am also grateful for a husband who leaves me love notes under the Christmas tree and who does everything he can to make me happy:

We bought a little tree this year and it is so cheerful!

Thanksgiving was fun. We watched White Christmas in the morning. We cleaned a little and Raimo reorganized some stuff in our bedroom. We were going to go to Chuckarama, but the lines were wrapped around the building. Bummer! So we went to Carver's instead and had ribs and salmon. Not a bad choice. The wait was 5 minutes, and we sat in the nice ambiance and had a nice talk about what we're grateful for and recounted the year and other stuff. I think it was a conversation that we won't remember the specifics, but will always remember. It has definitely been a defining year for our family. That night we stayed home. It was a simple day.

We had a small Halloween. Raimo worked. Rose was a ladybug. 

So that's the recap on all the holidays.

I have been listening to music all the live-long day lately. It is making me happy. Raimo and I have picked up a little tradition of singing a hymn each night and it is pretty great. I feel like we have come together spiritually lately and that is such a blessing.

I have started reading Christmas Carol (I am in the play right now at Hale--it has been a surprisingly great and emotional experience). I also want to read the gospels in the New Testament before Christmas.

I have also gone running every day for the past 3 days. My body is a little torn up, but it is nice to go out and listen to music and leave everything on the road sort of.

Well, I am babysitting Beckham so I'm gonna go. He comes every Wednesday and sometimes Monday. Ana Maria trades with me and takes Rose when I have rehearsal. Time for some babies to take a nap.. hopefully!!!

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