Our anniversary came and went--quickly. We've had a busy couple of weeks! We spent the day at home. I was sick (just like on our honeymoon one year ago). But we still had a really nice day together at home. We watched movies all day and I got a really great love note! A few days before our anniversary, we went out to Texas Roadhouse Grill and ate a really delicious dinner. Raimo got me new scriptures with my new last name on them. He's so sweet.
Then we left on Monday for Nauvoo. We had some really great experiences there! It was really fun to get to perform every single night. We also enjoyed visiting the sites and hearing the stories of the pioneers. My favorite part of the trip was going to the Nauvoo temple. My testimony was strengthened on this trip, and Raimo and I had fun hanging out with a lot of our teammates. One of the best things about the trip was getting to spend so much time with Raimo! We don't always get a lot of time together, but we got to spend a lot of quality time together (especially when I was sick in bed--he took good care of me). It was really fun to share this experience together. It was also fun to see my mom and Karen. I was so glad they were able to come out for a few days. It has been such a long time since I've seen my family!
The whole experience was great, but also bittersweet because we knew this would be our last two weeks on a BYU ballroom team. It was hard because the decision was made for us--I didn't feel like I was done yet! I had to hold back some tears quite a few times as we were going from place to place. I am somewhat relieved to be free of this busy and stressful part of my life, but I really thrive on being busy! I am already trying to think of some other fun things to get involved in. Maybe a play. Maybe choir again. Maybe I'll just take up something new. I feel a little lost, but it is probably going to be a good thing for me.
Raimo is working and I am working. He is finishing up his senior course, after which he will start to take all the rest of his Communications classes. He's working backwards somehow. I have about 7 or 8 classes left at BYU! Ahh! I need to decide (today) whether I want to take 2 of those classes this summer and graduate in December, OR take them in winter semester and graduate in April. I'm not sure what I want to do. All I really want to do right now is SLEEP!