So I missed the 4 month update. Rose turned 4 months on November 6th. The previous month was full of changes and new developments! She is very responsive--she imitates what we say to her, vowels in particular. She also blows bubbles in response to us. The last week of her 3rd month, she rolled over to the tummy. Now she is a rolling fiend. But she gets stuck on her stomach and gets frustrated because she wants to be mobile. She also loves to stand. She is now much better about playing with toys--she can pretty much hold and handle them without help. This makes life much easier! She is so much fun. It was also a hard month (and month 4 is continuing to be so). She has had a recurring cold/flu--she is not always her usual cheerful self. Also, we have been struggling to get her to take some longer naps, otherwise she is sooo unhappy. But such is life! At least she does pretty well at night. She had her first Halloween and was tinkerbell. She was adorable. We really partied--wore our costumes to 3 different events that weekend.
As for me, I have been reading more than usual. It's fun to get back into it and to find myself immersed in a book. I enjoyed The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I also liked Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. I also read 3 Weeks with my Brother by Nicolas Sparks. I loved it--so full of great childhood stories and it really makes you think about your loved ones. I also read Mrs. Mike--I loved it! There may have been one other I can't remember.
Someone wrote on her blog that 3 o'clock is the worst time of day for a mom. I totally agree. It is the longest time of day, baby starts to fuss in the evening, and I feel like I have been waiting forever already for Raimo to get home. I am always excited to see him. However, it is not such a long wait now that he isn't commuting from Provo! Yay!
We had a great Thanksgiving week. My photos aren't uploaded yet--I will write about it later. My mom said she looks totally different from 2 months ago. She really is changing every day!
P.S. I forgot to mention Rose had checkups again. She was 11 pounds 6 ounces. She is 24.5 inches and head was 15.3. She is still in 0-3 months and 3 months clothes. She is too tall for the 0-3 pajamas though! Her face has really rounded out, but she is still long and skinny--just the teeniest belly!
P.P.S. I MADE those Halloween costumes for Raimo and me. This was a big deal because I have never made anything without a pattern or without having someone walk me through every step! They looked homemade, but I was proud. My dress began as a Victoria's Secret negligee and robe from the DI!