This is one of my favorite outfits!
She sleeps on her right side with arms over her face. She does this with her arms when she eats too.
One of those catnaps. So cute
Rose finally met Lilia. She is 24 days younger than Lilia.
We are still living in Sandy. We pass the time riding turtles
I finally bought Goodnight Moon ( and Corduroy and an A Zeal of Zebras). Rose enjoys books--at least the sound of our voice and the pictures. She is so attentive for such a small thing! She always locks eyes with strangers at church and the mall and the store, and they just fall in love and can;t help stopping and talking to her and asking me how old she is. It catches people off guard. She isn't showing much interest in reaching for things or rolling for them. The only rolling has happened on the bed and couch but that was with some slant. She does love to stand (with support). She seems to prefer it to sitting. She still loves to talk--she is so social and wants attention. She loves when you sing to her. She hates to be put on the floor or be left alone. She is very spoiled and gets to be held a lot. I have really soaked up these first months with her, but I'm trying to get her to be interested in playing so I can get some things done. She still cries in the car seat, but it has improved and I try not to let that stop me from going out.
No matter what, when we go out to eat she decides to cry through the meal. It's like she knows. Raimo and I get a date night on the weekend and Rose stays with Mimi.
This month she started drooling. Fun.
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling so exhausted. There was one night where I didn't go to sleep till 4 am. And it wasn't Rose- she was asleep. I was just having some insomnia. And then it kept happening--I would be up till 1 and have to wake up a few hours later with the baby. I had my first breakdown since having a baby, one night when I couldn't sleep. Elder Uchtdorf's talk to the Relief Society came at the right time. I went to the doctor because my ears were bothering me, but it wasn't an ear infection. The doctor was really great and wanting to help. It was so nice to take care of me for once, as my focus has been on baby and Raimo. She gave me all these referrals-- for a TMJ specialist (since that can cause ear pain), her dentist since I don't have one, a physical therapist, a prescription for a pain med that will also help me sleep. She was so nice. I started by going to the dentist. I was really glad--he was really nice and we hadn't been in a while. He also confirmed that TMJ flares up with stress... so that solves it. I feel immense stress when I can't sleep. I used to leave slumber parties because I couldn't sleep and it gave me anxiety. Not to mention the stress of caring for a baby. He said a specialist will give me exercises and stretches that might help.
I've been sleeping better and I think it helps that it has cooled off this week.
Today this surprised us:
I typed most of this one-handed.
She's adorable Jessica. :) And I think it's cute that you dressed up like a princess too. :) I hope you get feeling better! After Beth was born I was so sick from my gallbladder but we didn't know what was wrong... so frustrating. I hope you get more you-time; it helps to unwind from all the stresses of baby. I appreciated it when Matt would come home, make dinner and send me off to do something fun just for and by myself. And, I totally understand the one-handed typing. :) It's harder when they get big enough to "help". :)
I can hardly stand the darlingness!
I wish you lived closer so I could take her off your hands as often as
You were a beautiful princess in your
lavender dress (where did you get the
dress?) and tell Tammy I like her
Aww I love your princess party! She is so tiny and sweet - she looks like she belongs in that little dolly buggy. I hope you get feeling better soon; it sounds like you're on the right track!
You just had a baby!! You look like a teeny weeny supermodel! And she is just adorable.
Ditto what everyone else said about Rose being so cute. And I also love that you dressed up as a princess too :) It looks like you're handling motherhood like a champ, and I'm glad you made the time for your needs too. It's a tough balancing act!
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